Home Sweet Home Ministries

Support Our Participants

The Not-So-Sleeping Ray Car

The Not-So-Sleeping Ray CarThis will be our 2nd year participating as a family so we are doubling our goal! We participate because HSHM gives second chances, instills hope, teaches, and provides stability for our neighbors who are homeless right here in central IL. Plus, it is one of the few opportunities we can engage our 7 year old twin boys, Jack and Colin, in community service. In 2023, they listened intently to the testimonials and through the guided activity, we talked about the privileges we have that others do not. We would be honored for you to support our NIAC team by donating! Your donation will have a triple impact as we will match what we raise, plus we will submit a match request from State Farm up to $1500. Lets drive out homelessness!

Meet The Team

Amanda Ray

Chris Ray

Jack Ray

Colin Ray

Nundhini Ravi